Flo Rida Ashtakiwa Kwa Kutokulipia Mfumo Wa Usalama
Posted in FLO RIDA
The rapper, in return said that he never consented the contract with ADT, therefore doesn't owe the company anything.
Flo Rida is named in a lawsuit after he failed to make payment for security of his home. ADT, the largest home security company in the United States, is suing the rapper for not paying the remaining of his bill.
The contract was signed by Flo Rida's alleged manager, Lee Prince. The initial deposit of $19,366.66 was paid but the remaining $38,733 was never handed after the work was completed. Now ADT wants the rapper to finish the payment plus interest, which amounts to $47,134.40.
Problem lies in the authenticity of the signature in the contract. Flo Rida claimed he never authorized it and therefore, doesn't have to pay for it.
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