LMFAO Kuvunjika Kwa Mda: Wote Kutafta Mafanikio Binafsi
Posted in LMFAO"I feel like we've been doing this for so long, five or six years," Redfoo told an Australian outlet in a phone interview. "And we're kind of like saying, well, let's just do what's natural and just kind of explore that, instead of like forcing it all the time."
Redfoo has been occupied with his passion in sports, particularly tennis. He has been spending time on the tennis courts in Las Vegas as a coach for a junior player, Ayaka Okuno. "I kind of use the Phil Jackson approach which I teach her some vague things - I teach her how to think for herself on the court," he said. "She's really good at self-analyzing."
In addition to writing for his solo album, he's also planning to launch his own tennis clothing line and writing a song for the New England Patriots. "I'm actually working on a song for them, because they asked me to write a song for their season," he said.
Despite the split, which came a few months after their denial, Redfoo said it was a natural process that they have to go through. "I think that we naturally just started hanging with two different sets of people, two different crowds, but we're always family," he explained. "He'll always be my nephew, I'll always be his uncle."
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