Monday, September 10, 2012



Posted in
Caroline Morales
Nikki, You need to really reevaluate yourself. You are the worst Atrocity to happen to the Black community. YOU DO NOT REPRESENT THE BLACK WOMAN! You are a degradation of the black woman and all the hard work and blood shed that our female ancestors put in. I’m not surprised at your comment about you voting for Romney and calling us lazy bitches who are fuking up the economy. You are fuking up the young minds of potential Lawyers, doctors and maybe a president with the garbage you put out…… DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO FUKED UP THE ECONOMY???? It was your MASTERS, those devils who pay you to keep our people dumb and fitting the stereotype our ancestors died so we can step out of……. It was the greedy Jewish woman whose husbands own businesses and homes who collect more welfare than anyone. It was the 37% whites which outnumber Blacks and Latinos in recipients who receive and collect welfare. It was the Rich who send their money to islands to escape taxing….Leaving the middle class to pick up that bill. Have you even seen these politicians pay rates?????? What about 3 Billion of NONE Taxed US dollars that is being sent to ISREAL by our leaders???? What about the Trillions the US spends on War and building drones that are bombing huts that are worth less than $1.00 in the name of DEMOCRACY???? Should I keep going????? What about the money spent on 911, the money that us Tax payers (the middle class) had to pay because U.S. created the whole mess by training and supplying Al Queda with war material we paid for?????
Did you even register to vote????

I’m more upset that your fans didn’t take notice on you calling them NAPPY HEADED HOES WHO NEED PERMS AND BELONG IN UR KITCHEN working as a SLAVE?????? That shit was DISRESPECTFUL and coming from a Black woman’s mouth is disgusting. Did you forget under all those wigs and perms you also have a nap or two……… You can put on all the blonde wigs, blue eyes, lighten skin you want….YOU WILL NEVER BE WHITE! Learn to love yourself………TRULY LOVE YOUSELF not the Clown you and your team created……

Have you ever heard of Sara Baartman????? You are a plain disrespect to that beautiful woman who your MASTERS put in a cage and looked at as an ANIMAL EXHIBIT because of her ASS and CURVATIOUS BODY! And here you are doing the same thing WILLINGLY….. No wonder they still look at us as ANIMALS…. Cause of ppl like you who worship the dollar over your soul…… You and your whole team are the destruction of the black family!


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