TOP African Female Computer Geeks
Whoever stated ''women and machinery do not mix'' i think it's about time anatakiwa aifanyie revision hiyo statement yake!
TOP African Female Computer Geeks!

1.Ory Okolloh (Kenyan)
she is one of the biggest female icons when it comes to Africa's tech space, one of the co-founders of the popular Ushaidi crowdmapping software, she is now Google's policy manager for Africa.
2.Joyce Mwangama (South African)
A university student based in South Africa who is taking part in Google's Anita Borg project to foster women in technology in Africa.
3.Funke Opeke (Nigerian)
The CEO of Main One Cable Company and founder of Main Street Technologies.
4.Rapelang Rabana (South African)
Co-founder of Yeigo, South Africa's first mobile VoIP. company.
5.Marieme Jamme (Senegalese)
The founder of Africa Gathering and CEO Spot One Global solutions.
6.Juliana Rotich (Kenyan)
Blogger and co-founder Ushahidi -- the open-source mapping software.
TOP African Female Computer Geeks!

1.Ory Okolloh (Kenyan)
she is one of the biggest female icons when it comes to Africa's tech space, one of the co-founders of the popular Ushaidi crowdmapping software, she is now Google's policy manager for Africa.
2.Joyce Mwangama (South African)
A university student based in South Africa who is taking part in Google's Anita Borg project to foster women in technology in Africa.
3.Funke Opeke (Nigerian)
The CEO of Main One Cable Company and founder of Main Street Technologies.
4.Rapelang Rabana (South African)
Co-founder of Yeigo, South Africa's first mobile VoIP. company.
5.Marieme Jamme (Senegalese)
The founder of Africa Gathering and CEO Spot One Global solutions.
6.Juliana Rotich (Kenyan)
Blogger and co-founder Ushahidi -- the open-source mapping software.
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