Sunday, June 9, 2013

Jun 2013 09


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There is more to leadership than knowing the mountain and guiding people to the summit. Simon Mtuy, founder and director of Summit Expeditions & Nomadic Experience, is a born leader. He is a leader within his community as an outspoken advocate of environmental sustainability and conservation and is sought after for his help and advice in community development projects.

His ability as a world-class athlete could carry him far from his village, yet he chooses to remain and build his home where he grew up. His presence is an inspiration to his community. Dedicated to break the silence of HIV/AIDS around the mountain, Simon set the world record for the fastest unsupported ascent and descent of Kilimanjaro (9 hours 21 minutes round-trip) to raise awareness of the disease. His tireless dedication and creative approach to problem solving has begun to transform his village and inspire hope. When asked where he gets his inspiration, Simon is quick to point to his supportive family, whom he credits with teaching him compassion, empathy, and an inability to walk away from a problem without trying to fix it. His kind and open personality has attracted a broad circle of friends who, in Simon’s words, “lead their lives by a humanitarian principle.” His personal generosity inspires generosity in others, and thus, the shared infusion of resources and energy result in permanent improvement in the lives of many people.

Simon’s leadership skills translate naturally to SENE expeditions. As a licensed Kilimanjaro guide, he has made more than 300 ascents of the mountain. Simon is dedicated to the safety and well being of his clients. He is certified in Wilderness First Aid and CPR (more than 240 hours of medical training). He is an expert mountaineer, including technical rock and ice climbing, and has participated in a National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) course in North America. Additionally, Simon holds a certificate from the International Labour Office as an expedition leader for the Tanzanian ranges. Simon’s mission is to make his company’s reputation the finest by delivering the highest standards of training to his team of guides.

As the director of SENE, Simon accommodates each group’s needs on the mountain, on safari, on bicycle trips, and all SENE adventures. He looks forward to getting to know each guest individually, and to sharing his broad knowledge and enthusiasm for the natural and cultural history of Tanzania. Above all, Simon recognizes that a successful adventure is a happy one. That’s why all SENE trips are comfortable, fun, and carefully paced. He knows that the overall responsibility for the success of an expedition lies with him, and for more than 15 years, Simon has owned up to that responsibility.

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