Wednesday, September 26, 2012



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Arnie says the David Ayers-directed film will be in the vein of his iconic 1987 sci-fi film, except that 'there will be a different twist to the whole thing instead of some alien monster.'

While busy launching a $20 million academic think tank at the University of Southern California, Arnold Schwarzenegger has another job on his plate. The action veteran is readying himself to star in a new high-octane film to be directed by David Ayer called "Breacher" (previously known as "Ten").

Arnold SchwarzeneggerLittle is known about the upcoming movie, but Arnie himself manages to take some time to discuss details of his upcoming project. To Empire magazine, the former Governator reveals his excitement to star in "Breacher" as saying, "All of these projects are appealing because they give me the chance to slowly come back rather than rush into it."

"I like the idea of starting again," he continues, "but trying to come back halfway down and working my way slowly back up again. So that's the idea, to do more personal stories and ensemble pieces like 'Predator'."

Furthermore, the body builder-turned-actor dishes, "Breacher, especially, will be very like a new Predator." He goes on explaining the story, "It's a team around me and they get knocked off until there's only me left. Except in this case there will be a different twist to the whole thing instead of some alien monster."

"I think that Predator, when I look back at it, was a very appealing kind of a movie. It was also good that I was not the only star of it. I mean, I was the star of it because at the end the focus goes to me, but you can let other people shine too - give them screen time and not be in every scene."

"So I think that's what I like about Breacher and the way it's written," he adds. "But it is a great character, an extremely interesting character and very well written. David Ayers is really talented."

Arnie will play the head of a corrupt DEA task force whose members are gradually falling into foul play. The team deals with the world's deadliest drug cartels. Specializing in complex mobile operation, they execute a tactical raid on a cartel safe house. Joining Arnie in the cast ensemble are the likes of Sam Worthington, Malin Akerman, Terrence Howard and Olivia Williams.

Apart from discussing "Breacher", Arnie also dishes on his most iconic role, the Terminator. The thesp admits that he still has no idea if he will reprise the role or not. "I think (producer) Megan Ellison owns the rights to Terminator 16, or whatever it is," he says. "They have been trying to put a script together but I've not seen it, so I've no idea. There's nothing on the drawing board at this point. Nothing on the plan."

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