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Happy Saturday fans..
How y'all doing,is everything at its place?What name would you tag your weekend?Fun,boring,mute,cool,average fun,family weekend,academic stress,financial bad?On a scale of 1-10,how would you rate your weekend?Well,we all hope it's a happy Saturday.
The Official AB'93 administration would love to announce some few but crucial changes on this blog site to all its fans,friends and lovers...
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ADMIN: ARNOLD BALATI Twitter @OfficialAB93 Facebook Arnold Balati Man-Unitedized |
So what are the changes?
Well, the current estimates say there are about 450 million “active” English language blogs right now, but that number varies according to the source. Technorati estimated over 200 million blogs at the start of 2009, with exponential growth since then.
The above data tells us how bad the blog traffic is at the moment,this leads to cyber conflicts based on accusations,the biggest one being the ''copy and paste'' cases!
We understand it's very expensive doing a research on anything,the time and cost side of it kills the spirit of many people hence leaves them with an option of copying what has been done by their fellow bloggers and pasting it on their sites(which is a very bad thing to do,ethical and unethical). At the end of the day what we see is a million of blogs all carrying similar contents.
So what has The Official AB'93 decided to do about this?
Our blog site has decided to concentrate on the secondary research type of data collection,we therefore decide that we are going to be very busy and stressed going east an west collecting this and that all in the name of getting the right stuffs and share them with the right people at the right time.
Isn't that copy and paste too?
Of course you can put it that way,only if you are that lazy in thinking(no offence). What we are doing is not copying and paste but rather collect data from different sites and simplify the sharing method,to distinguish us from the copy and pasting people,we are going to acknowledge and raise our sincere note of courtesy on each and every post to the owners or creators in that sense.
Invited Author: Stephen Beda Martin Follow him on twitter @Stafrican Befriend him on Facebook Stephen Beda Martin |
So we have decided to run our site in a MENU SYSTEM unlike other blog sites!
And here is the full list of our Menu that has been tailor made to satisfy your needs/areas of interest;
On this day we are going to have our weekly sports round up,we guarantee that you are going to have all that you have missed in the world of sports for the whole past week,it's a summary of what happened so for all the sports men an ladies,this is your day to visit us.Yes,it is WEEKLY SPORTS ROUND UP.
In a relationship?troubled?looking for the best ways to contain and master your relationships with your loved ones?Mending broken hearts?sweet texts an letters?Tuesday has been designed to be our NOTEBOOK OF LOVE,i believe this has no class,race or specific group of people,we all ought to visit The Official AB'93 on Tuesdays.
They say and this is what we have always been told,Education is key of life an we are no one to criticize that but rather support and put more emphasis on it,we will be having quizzes,past papers and academic battles, we must all ride together on this day on ACADEMIC BUS.
A lot of stuffs have been happening lately in the world,mos t of them shakes and provides shocks to our societies,we are not going to ignore them and since most of them are being related to politics then it's on this day when we are going to have our POLITICAL ARENA and see what happened,why and how?what the impacts,long and short term ones.We promise it won't be boring.y'all going to love it cause we are dubbed the masters of turning boring stuffs into super interesting stuffs!!
This is the only day with the start button of the weekend,i remember when i was young this was the day when i could loose or misplace my pencils,books or pair of socks..we tend to throw away everything and careless about other stuffs,it has been a very stressful week and the only thing on our mind is weekend! Ever noticed a weekend without any sort of entertainment?then that doesn't qualify to be a weekend,it's another Monday wearing a Friday coat! So in a way to ''weekendized'' our weekend we have decided to dub this day CELEBZ & ENT. VILLA,Yes,it's all who did what and where but for us to discuss you then you gotta be a celeb' and that's not enough,you also have to ensure us what we seeing in you it's an entertainment of a sort.
So we humbly welcome all age-set groups on this day,visit us for CELEBZ & ENT. VILLA,our villa is very pleasing with a lot of surprises in it.
Sociology tells us classes are there in any society,ranks are there..other wise the world would have been a very boring place.In this manner we present to you TT10(The Top 10s). We want you to know who and who sits where and where on what and what field..Richest people,powerful women,powerful people,richest kids,amazing places in the world,top machines,top countries and many more.It's upon your request that we urge you to submit your areas of interest at least a day before so as we can have time to find,collect and finally present it to you on Saturday on our very own TT10.
I know y'all thinking of church now,yes..we are not going to disturb you that much,we are not going to pull you that much,we all know Sundays are family days so we have prepared something brief but sweet for you.
MOVIE & SONG OF THE WEEK REVIEW.On this day we are going to pick one movie and one song and get into details on it,who sang it,who wrote it,where and when was it produced,how much did it make in the market,is it good or bad..where does it stand on a scale of 1-10??
This will be our Sunday.Be sure of visiting
We therefore guarantee that you are going to visit us less but gaining more!
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